I am thankful for the “things" I have here in Germany that remind me of home and my extended family.
I have some wonderful wooden pieces that my father carved, a clock my parents gave me years ago, a peanut pillow my mother made to rest my head upon, the Bible my husband got me for Christmas in 1994, a blanket to cover me on a chilly winter evening that is screen printed with photos of my children and their families, a circle of friends candle holder given to me by my daughter-in-law, a photo album my niece got for me for my 50th birthday that I am filling with pictures of our adventures, a coffee table my in-laws got for us a few Christmas’ ago, a Delft Blue Pig plate clock, a salt and pepper shaker and a very special Sisters candle holder from siblings. All of our furniture and collectibles all made it over here in one piece and are helping to make this dwelling away from home “our place” for the next 14 months. I look around and see all the “things” many that are irreplaceable, granted they are just things in the big scheme of things and I can’t take them with when I depart this world but....
To let you know why “things” comes to mind ....today we found out the storage warehouse located here in Stuttgart where all household goods are stored for deployed Service members and civilians until they find housing was destroyed by fire. 106 families have lost EVERYTHING except what they packed in their suitcases for their flight over here. Many of these families are young service members living on limited incomes and are now faced with the daunting task of starting over. The ARMY Garrison community is already reaching out to these families in this time of need. And over time they will be fine, but I can only imagine what they are going through right now.
So yes, my things are just that things.....but they are treasures given to me by those I love and I cherish the memories of the giver as much as the gift!
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