Then it pulled up and parked right in front of us and the man in the suit got out and went around and opened the door for the Bride (obviously his daughter).
Next this young man man came running out from inside the church and gave her a BIG hug and kiss. From the looks of it he was her brother. Look at how closely the ring bearer is watching them.

We even captured our own special expression of love during the few minutes of sunshine near the end of the day.

With his daughter on his arm they get last minutes guidance from the priest. The priest talked with them for a few minutes before they went inside. The Groom is getting his jacket on in the background with the brother helping him (the tree is in the way so you can’t see this very well). And by now they have completely lost the ring bearer’s attention.
It was about this time that the church bells started ringing, we looked at our watches and it was not straight up on the hour or even close to a 15 minute mark...These bells were announcing the arrival of the Bride and the start of the wedding!
As we continued our walk through the town I started watching for expressions of love. And you know if you look close enough (or are in the right frame of mind) these can be seem everywhere. We saw Herr and Frau (men and women) strolling arm in arm through the plaza, parents lovingly tending to children, teens flirting their way through the park, elderly couples holding hands while having Koffee at the outdoor cafes, hearts decorating the stone and iron works over front doors, Christ and his disciples carved in the stone blocks of the church steeple.
Along the City wall we also found expressions of love. Citizens of the town and visitors who have donated to help maintain the wall have plaques worked into the masonry along the city walls honoring their loved ones.
Yes there are many different expressions of love, some large, some small and some almost unnoticeable but if you watch closely you will find them everywhere.
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