Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sights to See in Oklahoma - My Top 25 To List

After being in Germany and attending festivals on a regular basis and touring Parks and flower Gardens I have decided I am going to attend the festivals and visit the gardens in my home state. Festivals and Gardens in Oklahoma on my Bucket List include (not in any particular order) :

1. Fort Reno Ghost Tour - El Reno
2. Tulsa International Film Festival - Tulsa
3. Chester’s Pumpkin Patch - Piedmont
4. 2nd Friday Circuit of Arts - Norman
5. The Haunted Castle Halloween Festival - Muskogee
6. Bricktown Arts Festival (this one is a repeat...)
7. Choctaw Oktoberfest (amazingly I have never attended this one)
8. Watermelon Festival - Rush Springs
9. Sunflower Art and Wine Festival - Guymon
10. Ghost Story Tour at Pawnee Bill Ranch - Pawnee
11. Living Legends Rodeo - Henryetta
12. Monarch Migration and Butterfly Festival - Washington
13. Martin Nature Park
14. Paseo Art District Festival (Mom took me when I was small but need to revisit)
15. Territorial Christmas Celebration - Guthrie and the Pollard Theater
16. Fried Onion Burger Festival - El Reno
17. Oklahoma River Cruise - on the Canadian River
18. Cowboy Hall of Fame (this is a repeat but I want to visit again)
19. Orr Family Farm - Oklahoma City
20. Visit the 4 Castles in Oklahoma: Castle Falls in Oklahoma City, Wentz Castle in Ponca City, Captains Castle in Cameron, and the Collings Castle at Turner Falls (been here already but want to see it again).
21. See the Giant Indian Chief - Standing Brave at Big Cabin
22. Cimmy the Metal Dinosaur - Boise City
23. Totem Pole Park at Foyil
24. Oklahoma Aquarium - Jenks
25. Stratford Peach Festival

I dont have any particular time line for these and I think my granddaughters might enjoy seeing some of these sights with me (how fun to share some of Oklahoma’s treasures with them).

Friday, May 27, 2011

Holiday Message

The Commander of European Command sent out this holiday message. It was too good not to share as we head into this Memorial Day Holiday weekend:


I gave a speech earlier this week in New York to commemorate Memorial Day. In it, I attempted to honor the tremendous sacrifices of all who have answered the call to serve by giving voice to those who were lost to us, but who left us letters that tell their stories. I thought I would share some of my speech with you, and I hope that these words - penned by those who have gone before us - touch you, as they have me.

In their letters, and those of their loved ones, written in the last days of their lives, there is majesty and honesty and humility that deserve our attention as we approach this Memorial Day.

Let me begin with the Civil War, and a letter written by Major Sullivan Ballou, a 32-year old member of the Second Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers, who died in the Battle of Bull Run. He wrote to his wife, Sarah, just five days before the battle that would cost his life:

"My very dear Sarah, the indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days-perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more ... Sarah: my love for you is deathless. It seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but omnipotence could break: and yet my love of country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.

Never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name. Do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again."

A letter from Iraq, this one from US Army Captain Michael MacKinnon, to his young daughter Madison:

"Madison, I'm sorry I broke my promise to you when I said I was coming back. You were the jewel of my life. I don't think anyone would ever be good enough for you. Stay beautiful, stay sweet. You will always be daddy's little girl."

Captain Michael MacKinnon died in October, 2005, in Iraq.

Let me share excerpts from just one more letter. It was written from Iraq as a "just in case" letter by Private First Class Jesse A. Givens, a letter to be delivered to his wife and children only in the event of his death.

"My family," he writes, "I never thought that I would be writing a letter like this. I really don't know where to start. The happiest moments in my life all deal with my little family. I will always have with me the small moments we all shared. The moments when we quit taking life so serious and smiled. The sounds of a beautiful boy's laughter or the simple nudge of a baby unborn. You will never know how complete you have made me...I did not want to have to write this letter. There is so much more I need to say, so much more I need to share...Please keep my babies safe. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for leaving you alone. . . Teach our babies to live life to the fullest, tell yourself to do the same. I will always be there with you...Do me a favor, after you tuck the children in, give them hugs and kisses from me. Go outside and look at the stars and count them. Don't forget to smile.

Love Always, Your husband, Jess."

The letter was delivered in May 2003, two weeks before the birth of their son and just after his death in combat.

What can we take from these letters, so sweet and sad and powerful in their simplicity and honesty? First, and most importantly, that we are a lucky nation indeed to have such men and women, who say to us, "I will go." Second, their words matter. Their lives had weight and importance. That we read their letters and respect them and grieve with their families for their loss. And perhaps most importantly, that we support their families. Third, a lesson for all of us who go on in this world, safe and protected due to the sacrifice of others: we should live our lives to the fullest. To that end, I'd like to close by repeating the words of young Private First Class Jess Givens-who will be forever young in our hearts and our prayers.

He said: Hug and kiss your children, go outside and look at the stars, don't forget to smile. That is pretty good advice for a Memorial Day ... or any day. In the end, what else really matters? So let us remember our heroes-those of our past and those of our present who walk among us right now.

God Bless you all and God Bless America.


Jim Stavridis


Every year we get holiday messages from our leaders. This one was too good not to share. It stands out as holiday messages go and puts everything into perspective. Those who serve do so out of pride and honor for our great country. I am blessed to be an American~

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Oh my the last month has flown by. We’ve had so much fun having family here with us this past month. We got to spend some time catching up and to travel (some new places, some repeat visits to our favorite spots).

I wish we had been able to host more company and had we been staying longer might could have shared our German home with our granddaughters (and their parents of course).

WE are now in the gearing up for the move mode. What will we have them pack up for us, what will we need when we first get back to Oklahoma, what are we going to hand carry back with us, where are we going to live when we get back....

It is so exciting but stressful at the same time. Taking a deep breath and just taking it one day at a time...

Ha, if you know me very well you know that is a stretch! I will be planning and re-planning and organizing this for the next 8 weeks!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ode to Lamp Posts

I didn’t realize when I left for Germany how much I liked the look of lamp posts~

Research shows, the earliest lamps used by Greek and Roman civilizations, where to protect one from tripping over something on the path and to light up the night in an attempt to keep robbers at bay. These original lamps used oil for the flame source.

As time progressed gas was used and there were lamp-lighters who made the rounds at dusk lighting the gas lamps (think I might start looking for a lamplighter tour!). Then a system was devised were the flame would automatically be lit; such progress

Eventually we progressed to electric street lights but the look and shape
of these modern lights became more utilitarian in designand less pieces of artwork.

Today similar to when they were invented, the major advantages of street lighting includes: prevention of accidents and the allusion of increased safety; some things never change.

But do we overuse street lights... have we started using so much light that we are pushing away the night? Could we do with a few less lights and maybe some old fashion lamps? Sure the glow might not be as bright but do we really need the light pollution of 5000 WATTS of light glaring every 15 feet down our city streets?

I think not!

I think back to my childhood when we had a gas lamp in the front yard. Every evening the soft glow of these lamps would light up the neighborhood as my childhood friends and I played one last round of hide and seek with the front lamp post be safe. Perhaps these childhood games around the lamp post are what embedded a love of them I have developed as an adult.

I am sure something new will come along soon but I think it would be nice to revert back at least to the look of the old time street lamp. These are some of my favorites from places like:











I am sure there will be more as there are many European Cities yet to see on my bucket list.

And with a renewed interest I will be looking for the lamp posts of Oklahoma upon my return!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

In this day back in 1980 we were wed.

I joined my life with yours. In sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, for richer or poorer, in good times and bad. On this day we pledged to be each others constant friend, a faithful partner in life. To love each other without reservation. To be there to comfort each other in times of distress, to encourage each other, to laugh and cry and grow with each other. To be open and honest and to cherish each other as long as we both shall live.

Looking back over these past 31 years I must say a wedding is but one day. Our marriage was blessed and is a forever thing.

I love growing old with you, my sweetheart and friend!

Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A souvenir

A souvenir (from French, for a rememberance or memory), memento, keepsake or token of rememberance is an object a person acquires for the memories the owner associates with it ...

I have picked up a few small souvenirs from our stay in Europe. I have even sent packages home for family and friends from our travels. As I look at the items I have picked up along the way I remember trips taken, times exploring, new places visited and as time passes I will cherish these memories. These souvenirs and photos taken along the way will trigger memories of places traveled for years to come.

Same thing goes for the small trinkets I have collected over the years to remind me of family. I have some wood pieces my father made, art work my mother painted that made the trip to Germany with us. These too are treasures. And now we are collecting new family treasures. A recording of our granddaughter telling us she loves us, small handprints captured, a blanket from our children, even family photo taken while we have been away but shared with us through technology. These treasures have helped keep us close while being miles away.

We have been blessed with the opportunity to travel and explore. I am thankful for this and so many things the Lords has enabled us to accomplish.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Age is catching up with us and becoming a reality

My Mother is aging but in my mind I still see her as she was in my earlier years. I never thought of her as aging. But the reality of this thought is flawed. She has been visiting me for several days now and I see just how frail she has become over the last 2 years. I look at her and think when did this happen, when did I need to start looking out for her?

I guess this is just a part of life, we take care of our young and then as we age they take care of us. I just did not realize that that time had come in our relationship. This is another reason for going back to Oklahoma sooner than later.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy 9th of May Day!

May 9 is just an ordinary day, nothing special kind if day... it is however the 129th day in the year.

But lots of special things have happened on this day. Looking back in history we find:
In 1502 Columbus left Spain on his 4th and final trip to the New World
In 1914 President Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day holiday ; And now every few years it is Mother’s Day in the United States and we get to celebrate and honor our precious Mothers
In 1932 Piccadilly Circus, London was first lit by electricity
In 1941 English Army breaks German spy codes
In 1949 Prince Rainer became the leader of Monaco

May 9th marks a day of peace and liberation through out many countries in Europe, it is known as Liberation Day in Germany, Victory and Peace Day in Armenia and Independence Day in Romania just to name a few.

In 1962 the Beatles signed their 1st contract with EMI Pstlophone and in 1965 they attend their first Bob Dylan concert, in 1971 Baltimore Oriole had the largest walk in crowd (31,626) in history. IN 1973 for the 2nd time, Johnny Bench hits 3 home runs in a one game. and in 1984 the White Sox and Brewers played an 8:06 game, the longest timed baseball game, 25 innings.

I admire the achievements of many born on May 9th with some of my favorites being:
1949 - Billy Joel - singer, song writer
1918 - Mike Wallace, American journalist
1931 - Vance Brand, American astronaut
1946 - Candice Bergen, American actress

I am sure this day is special in some many more ways and can be marked in history for many other significant achievements. But to me this is just the day I was born. The day I was first held by my parents, the day I took my first breath. The day the first born in my family became a big brother. A day to celebrate for years to come in our household. This year I will be in Germany and will be celebrating with my Mother, Husband, Aunt and Cousin.

So here is a big shout out...it is a great day to be alive and to be celebrating. Thank you Lord for picking this day to be my special day!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Before I was a Mother....I never knew~

Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night
Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep
Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom
Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy
Before I was a Mom, cid:72628B2BB3944C7397046216F5E382BD@dell9100
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom

I love my boys! They make Mother’s Day no matter what continent I am on~

Saturday, May 7, 2011

He called him Gramps

He called him Gramps.

One day we will meet up with him again. Until then we will have his love, and our memories.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happiness begins at Home

Little things can be responsible for our happiness. We call them little things because they happen to us every day but often we simply let them pass unnoticed. When we smile or when someone smiles around us, if you let it it will fill your heart with happiness. It is so easy to smile... sometimes I think we think it is not important. Some might think only the things struggled for are important but that is just not true. Try it, smile at a child today and see if you dont get that smile right back in return.

I am happy just holding a loved one in my arms, the smell of rain in the air or seeing the forest beginning to bloom, these things bring smiles to my face and heart. Over here in Germany even the first signs of snow made me happy, it was so beautiful. Other things like chocolate, hot tea, dinner with family... these small things are the basis for good times and where there are good times happiness begins.

A new house takes time to become a home, but filled with love and the presence of God we built a home for us in this foreign place. Our German house has become a home... But the real happiness is not in the place but in the home it has become for us.

Going back to Oklahoma will bring happiness too. Now going “home" also means going back to Oklahoma, to family and friends. To a place where familiarity is comfortable and round door knobs are normal. I have loved Germany and have made many happy memories. But I an happy to be going home. As for the house that will become my new home...that is still unknown but I have faith that it too will be filled with faith, family and friends.

I thank the Lord for these blessings, for allowing me to feel happiness, to feel His presence and to know that He will always be my ultimate home.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4th - Remembered Joy

Remembered Joy

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free! I follow the plan God laid for me. I saw His face, I heard His call, I took His hand and left it all... I could not stay another day, To love, to laugh, to work or play; Tasks left undone must stay that way. And if my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss... Ah yes, these things I, too, shall miss. My life's been full, I've savoured much: Good times, good friends, a loved-one's touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief— Don't shorten yours with undue grief. Be not burdened with tears of sorrow, Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.

Love you Daddy!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


If yellow roses grow in heaven Lord, pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Daddy's arms and tell him they're from me.
Tell him that I love and miss him.
And when he turns to smile, place a kiss upon his cheek and hold him for a while.

Remembering him is easy. I do it EVERYDAY. There's an ache within my heart that will NEVER go away ~