I didn’t realize when I left for Germany how much I liked the look of lamp posts~

Research shows, the earliest lamps used by Greek and Roman civilizations, where to protect one from tripping over something on the path and to light up the night in an attempt to keep robbers at bay. These original lamps used oil for the flame source.
As time progressed gas was used and there were lamp-lighters who made the rounds at dusk lighting the gas lamps (think I might start looking for a lamplighter tour!). Then a system was devised were the flame would automatically be lit; such progress

Eventually we progressed to electric street lights but the look and shape
of these modern lights became more utilitarian in designand less pieces of artwork.
Today similar to when they were invented, the major advantages of street lighting includes: prevention of accidents and the allusion of increased safety; some things never change.
But do we overuse street lights... have we started using so much light that we are pushing away the night? Could we do with a few less lights and maybe some old fashion lamps? Sure the glow might not be as bright but do we really need the light pollution of 5000 WATTS of light glaring every 15 feet down our city streets?
I think not!
I think back to my childhood when we had a gas lamp in the front yard. Every evening the soft glow of these lamps would light up the neighborhood as my childhood friends and I played one last round of hide and seek with the front lamp post be safe. Perhaps these childhood games around the lamp post are what embedded a love of them I have developed as an adult.
I am sure something new will come along soon but I think it would be nice to revert back at least to the look of the old time street lamp. These are some of my favorites from places like:
I am sure there will be more as there are many European Cities yet to see on my bucket list.
And with a renewed interest I will be looking for the lamp posts of Oklahoma upon my return!!
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