I am told that some landlords over here can be very hard to deal with but not ours. They are so very sweet and have helped us out in so many ways. They continue to make improvements to the property and have asked us each time what we think about the changes.
We have a newly remodeled kitchen, and we have closets in our upstairs rooms (not a common feature in German bedrooms). Since we have moved in they have put in venetian blinds across the front balcony, an adjustable thermostat, a new garage door opener, privacy blinds for the back balcony, new solar shades on the upstairs windows. They are putting the rent money back into the house making it better for us while we are here. We have some friends who report their landlords won’t even come show them how to work the heating system. Our landlord has prepared a book on all the appliances with instructions for use (in German and English) and helped us understand how to use the radiator heating (which is so very different from what we are used to).
He is 80 years old but do not let that fool you. This evening when we got home from work (at dusk) he had a ladder out and was cleaning leaves out of the gutters. He manages the lawn and gardens in a pretty large yard for this part of town and in the winter he shovels the snow and then goes cross country skiing in the forest across from the house. She is younger but is also very active. She plays tennis and swims almost daily in the summer and enjoys cross country skiing in the winter too. They are very active and I do believe it has kept them young.
They speak some English and have taught us some German. I think he likes to practice his English with us. When we are planning trips he always wishes us "the best of travels" and usually has a note on the door when we get back welcoming us back to town. When they travel I always get a post card from them and frequently get a small gift from where they have been (chocolates, candles and special matches). They have daughters that are about my age but they don’t visit very often so I think they like having us around because the similarity in ages to their children.
They keep asking if we have family coming over to visit and have even offered the use of their extra bedrooms if we need extra rooms... I think they are truly excited about meeting my Mother this May.
Yes, I am thankful for my landlords, they have made transitioning from Oklahoma to Stuttgart so much easier.
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