I am thankful for knowledge, skills and abilities handed down to me from my Mother.
She passed on the love of creating things. She used to paint and I have a few of her pieces and I have dabbled in this area. And she taught me to sew although I must admit I don’t have the level of talent she does.
She gave me the opportunity to take piano lessons, although this did not take, her love of music did.
She passed along her talent and love of flowers. We used to go to Will Rogers Park in the spring and walk through the Rose Gardens, we helped maintain a community flower bed with the Hoe and Hope club and she taught me how to arrange flowers (real and silk). Plus many of her paintings were of nature and flowers.
She passed along her passion for reading. She was a member and officer of the Friends of the Library Club. I had a Library card at a very young age and I got to go to reading club a few afternoons a week in the summer. Give me a good book and a free afternoon and I am set.
She gave me early an exposure to Jesus my Lord and Savior, she made sure I was in Sunday school at a very early age. She taught me Bible versus and Worship songs and passed along her desire to know Him.
She loved to travel and made sure we made our way to the Capitol State steps for a picture. And of course if you know me at all you know I love to travel and have a passion for capturing my travels in pictures.
She is a great cook and she was a good teacher. I was an eager learner and had 3 brothers to sample my wares. From her I learned the love of cooking and entertaining.
She was an involved parent, she was a Bible school teacher, a Girl Scout Leader, Home Room Mother. I was exposed to art, literature, music, camping, cooking, travel, serving the community, I developed a love of faith, family and friends all from observing her and the traits she passed down.
Yes, I am thankful for my Mother!
This is a recent picture...she is a pretty good Grandmother and Great-Grandmother too~