There is a back road between Patch Barracks (Commissary) and Panzer Kaserne (Base Exchange) known by the Americans as Frog Road. In the spring frogs hop across this road to the ponds on either side and often do not make it across (SPLAT!). So in the spring time they put up special road signs.

“Frog Caution" signs are positioned along the area where the ponds are located. And they lower the speed limit from 100 to 30 KPM.

Now the cars zipping down this road are getting SPLATZ’ed.
30 KPH is pretty slow and remember heading into and out of these Frog protected sections of the road it is 100 KPH. Last year people were rear-ending each other; so they finally had to change the signs . They added a time to the Frog Zone, so now the special speed limit is only in effect from 7:00 PM until 4:00 AM during the frog migration season!
Happy Hopping everyone~
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