So we countered their ridiculous offer with our asking price and some of their closing costs...
And they want to come back an look at the house for a third time tomorrow. Not sure where this is going but a phrase we used a lot in Germany really applies here: It is what it is
Just a spot for journaling my adventures, reflect upon thoughts and capture the mood of the day!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The House
In my online Christmas letter (posted 2 days ago) I put it in writing that I would love to buy mom's house but without selling the Greenview that just was not possible. That I was going to leave this in God's hands and not worry about if the Greenview sold or if we should buy mom's house...
Then yesterday we got an offer on the Greenview. Not a good offer, a ridiculous offer, an insulting I'd rather stay in MY HOME then sell it to someone that doesn't value the worth her offer....
What an eye opener. I love my house, I don't want to move, I want to stay right where I am. I love that I am 10 minutes to the office. I love the design and layout of my house. I love that our children lived in this house with us and that our granddaughters have played with us here. I love entertaining my family here. I love that the back yard is a great place for kids to play. Since moving in to this house I have wanted to grow old(er) with my husband in the comfort of this home.
Then this morning the daily verse from KLOVE was Psalms 147:5 "How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!
So I ponder the "For Sale" sign in the front yard. Do we stick with the selling price and so be it if our value of our home doesn't measure up to some buyers expectation? Does leaving it in God's hands mean that we should counter and take a lower offer and move on? Or does this offer jolt us into seeing that we don't want to sell after all? Or is this a spring board that will catapult us into to making decisions about our next temporary home? It is all so confusing.
All of this is beyond my comprehension for sure. But it is such comfort knowing that God is the master conductor and with His orchestration what is decided it will be good.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Happy Birthday....DIL
Today is my daughter-in-love's birthday. We celebrated with the girls at lunch at 501 Cafe'. The food was great and the fellowship wonderful.
Each year as we gather to celebrate her birthday I say a prayer thanking God for looking out for her all those years before we knew her. Indirectly praying for her that is because it wasnt until she was 17 that we even knew her. I was praying for a life partner for Michael sight unseen knowing that one day GOD would put him with his perfect match. I have been blessed by this sweet woman of God and so thankful for the parents that raised her. And now they have a sweet daughter!!
This is the 2nd year Isabella has joined us for lunch with the girls and I find myself extending prayers for her future spouse just like I did for Michael's so many years ago.
“Lord, we ask for purity in her life and that of her future mate. We ask for protection over their innocence and purity; protect them from others and wrong choices, call them to a higher standard. We ask for wisdom and discernment in teaching and preparing her for a life of purity and modesty. I also ask that you grant her husband’s parents wisdom as they raise a man of integrity.”
Each year as we gather to celebrate her birthday I say a prayer thanking God for looking out for her all those years before we knew her. Indirectly praying for her that is because it wasnt until she was 17 that we even knew her. I was praying for a life partner for Michael sight unseen knowing that one day GOD would put him with his perfect match. I have been blessed by this sweet woman of God and so thankful for the parents that raised her. And now they have a sweet daughter!!
This is the 2nd year Isabella has joined us for lunch with the girls and I find myself extending prayers for her future spouse just like I did for Michael's so many years ago.
“Lord, we ask for purity in her life and that of her future mate. We ask for protection over their innocence and purity; protect them from others and wrong choices, call them to a higher standard. We ask for wisdom and discernment in teaching and preparing her for a life of purity and modesty. I also ask that you grant her husband’s parents wisdom as they raise a man of integrity.”
Monday, December 26, 2011
"The Lord is great!"
But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, "The Lord is great!"
~ Psalm 40:16, NLT
~ Psalm 40:16, NLT
Christmas Letter 2011
The Mitchell’s are BACK!! After almost 2 years in Germany we moved back to Oklahoma City late July. After much renovation we are back in the house. While in Europe we managed to work in trips to many of the tourist hot spots, enjoyed visits from family, and experienced some wonderful German cuisine. The Christmas Markets were amazing and we shopped many a Flowmarkt with our Saturday morning breakfast club. In 2011 we traveled to Prague in January (my favorite), February found us in a very cold Berlin, March we traveled to Venice for Carnival and to Dublin for St. Patrick’s day, April was Paris and May was Switzerland and all over Germany, June we went to Munich to see the summer sights (our first trip in Germany was in the middle of winter to Munich and this is definitely a town of many seasons) and in July we flew back to Oklahoma City. We took thousands of pictures of our travels and are enjoying the slideshows now that we are HOME.
Mom has purchase a garden home in Norman and is in the process of downsizing. The other house is for sale and very tempting but the Greenview would have to sell first so we are leaving this in God’s hands. Mom joined us in Germany for almost 3+ weeks in May and we worked in several Castles, a trip to the Black Forest and to the small town of Alsheim (tracking our ancestral line). It was fun to imagine family members walking the town square and working in the vineyards. My brother Pat managed a visit that coincided with Mom’s and it was so nice to catch up with him. His passion for wine and beer making prompted us to try and find a brewery tour but the only I could find (during his visit) were only in German. Pat and Alan took a side trip to Munich and enjoyed the sites as well as the famed HofbrÀuhaus. And they will never forget the STAU (major traffic jam) they sat in on the way home.
I hit the ground running upon return to OKC and am happy to be back in the same general time zone as my staff. Alan has been overseeing the house renovations, chauffeuring me around and spending time with family as well as taking over most of our meal preparation. He spent some time in Pennsylvania in October earning certification for heavy equipment appraising so when we decide it is time for him to go back to work full time this might be the path he pursues.
It has been 2 (or more years) since I have bragged about my family so I will take a few minutes to do this now. Sean and April manage to stay busy at work with Sean working for the new owners of PDA OKC and April taking on extra duties supervising staff in the Radiology department. They work in several lake trips with family and friends each summer and spend many hours in the gym with Sean coaching Ryan’s basketball team. Ryan has grown, shooting up past April and will soon be taller than I am. She enjoys reading, basketball, skating AND dance. We managed to stay close via SKYPE with regular video calls while in Germany but sure are enjoying spending time together now that we are back. Michael and Annaleise added a new family member when Isabella Grace made her appearance in September 2010. Michael remains at Oklahoma Christian and recently accepted the position of Director of Admissions. Annaleise is enjoying being a stay at home mom only working one evening a week. Michael and Annaleise both are runners and work in a race every now and then. Isabella’s face lights up when she sees us and already knows that Cappy will do almost anything for her. Her vocabulary is growing with new words every time we seen her. And her walking skills have opened up a whole new world for her. We are so BLESSED to be able to spend so much time with family!
Upon return to Oklahoma we leased a lot and purchased a 23 yr old 5th wheel parked at Lake Carl Blackwell. The lot is right BY Phil and Sondra (brother/sister-in-law) with a large deck and a dock for our boat (now if there were only water in our cove). We spent a few weekends at the end of the summer enjoying the view from the deck and spending time with family. My brother Perry made a trip to OKC in August to ask us in person to be Caleb’s guardians; he and Tiffany were finalizing paperwork and wanted to make it official. We are honored and will gladly stand in if this should ever be needed. Alan managed to see sister Lea Ann and kids at Gettysburg while in Pennsylvania, it was a whirlwind trip but nice for him to see them. We spent a couple of months with Alan’s parents while our home was being vacated and renovated and loved being there with them. Evening meals are great when shared with extended family. Sister Donita and family send frequent emails, texts and we SKYPE but we miss them. We’ve enjoyed seeing sister Julie and family on occasion at Mom and Dad’s or family birthday celebrations.
So there you go, all caught up with the 2011 comings and goings of the Mitchell’s. We are glad to be home and we extend prayers to your family as we celebrate CHRISTmas and the end of 2011!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Top 25 to See in Oklahoma
Top 25 List
So 2011 is almost over....and it soon will be time to make a dent in this list....going over it I see that I can actually check two of these off the list!
7. Choctaw's Oktoberfest - We invited brother Pat and cousin Sheri to join us for an evening in Choctaw for dinner and some beer sampling. It was fun spending time with them. The food was typical German fest food, the tents were filled with music and we saw several friends. It was a fun evening.
19. Orr Family Farm - We went to the Orr Family farm to see the Christmas lights with Isabella, Annaleise and Michael. We rode the train, went on a hay/tractor ride, saw Santa, enjoyed some hot cocoa and fudge, visited the petting Zoo. It was a cold, wet evening but the rain stopped just before we arrived and made the lights glisten even brighter.
Looking closer at the list I realize I am going to have to put some dates on some of these as they are are tied to a specific time of the year. Others can just happen last minute when we have a free Saturday or maybe even some time away from the office.
2012 will be a great year in Oklahoma. And maybe we will make it at least half way through the list this coming year~
So 2011 is almost over....and it soon will be time to make a dent in this list....going over it I see that I can actually check two of these off the list!
7. Choctaw's Oktoberfest - We invited brother Pat and cousin Sheri to join us for an evening in Choctaw for dinner and some beer sampling. It was fun spending time with them. The food was typical German fest food, the tents were filled with music and we saw several friends. It was a fun evening.
19. Orr Family Farm - We went to the Orr Family farm to see the Christmas lights with Isabella, Annaleise and Michael. We rode the train, went on a hay/tractor ride, saw Santa, enjoyed some hot cocoa and fudge, visited the petting Zoo. It was a cold, wet evening but the rain stopped just before we arrived and made the lights glisten even brighter.
Looking closer at the list I realize I am going to have to put some dates on some of these as they are are tied to a specific time of the year. Others can just happen last minute when we have a free Saturday or maybe even some time away from the office.
2012 will be a great year in Oklahoma. And maybe we will make it at least half way through the list this coming year~
Glory to God in highest
Sunday 12/25/2011
Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.'
~ Luke 2:13-14, NLT
Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.'
~ Luke 2:13-14, NLT
Saturday, December 24, 2011
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."
- Henry Ford
- Henry Ford
Differences between Stuttgart, Germany and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
In and around OKC:
During the Summer air conditioners are needed, necessary and noisy
During the winter the furnace dries out the air
The autoflush toilets in public restrooms use excessive amounts of water
Said toilets are very low to the ground
Streets are wide and cars are big and so are most parking spots
The night skies are all lit up - there is not much darkness
Recycling is not mandatory and packaging is excessive
Restaurants are everywhere and open all hours of the night and day
Cold drinks are served with ICE and refills are FREE
Big Box stores sell food by the case not just beer or wine
Debit/Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere and you don't have to be in a special line to use them
Trucks are allowed to drive on Sunday
You can mow your yard on Sunday, even during quiet hours if you choose to
You can wash your car in the driveway (unless there it is a dry one and there is rationing going on)
I can actually read and understand the street signs before we pass them
Chips and salsa are provided gratis
In and around OKC:
During the Summer air conditioners are needed, necessary and noisy
During the winter the furnace dries out the air
The autoflush toilets in public restrooms use excessive amounts of water
Said toilets are very low to the ground
Streets are wide and cars are big and so are most parking spots
The night skies are all lit up - there is not much darkness
Recycling is not mandatory and packaging is excessive
Restaurants are everywhere and open all hours of the night and day
Cold drinks are served with ICE and refills are FREE
Big Box stores sell food by the case not just beer or wine
Debit/Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere and you don't have to be in a special line to use them
Trucks are allowed to drive on Sunday
You can mow your yard on Sunday, even during quiet hours if you choose to
You can wash your car in the driveway (unless there it is a dry one and there is rationing going on)
I can actually read and understand the street signs before we pass them
Chips and salsa are provided gratis
And my favorite........
Family fills the house for holidays!!
Good News!
Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them...;'Don't be afraid!' he said. 'I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!'
~ Matthew 2:10-11, NLT
~ Matthew 2:10-11, NLT
Friday, December 23, 2011
Paper Snowflakes
Here is how I make fancy paper snowflakes
Step 5 trim off the overlapped points to make a straight edge across the bottom
Step 6 make the cuts through all layers - this design or many others:
Step 7 unfold and see your Snowflake!! Depending on the cuts you make your design will be different. Play with it and enjoy the two snowflakes are supposed to be the same!
Step 2 Fold the triangle in half again
Steps 3 and 4 fold each side in towards the middle overlapping in the middle
Step 5 trim off the overlapped points to make a straight edge across the bottom
Step 6 make the cuts through all layers - this design or many others:
Step 7 unfold and see your Snowflake!! Depending on the cuts you make your design will be different. Play with it and enjoy the two snowflakes are supposed to be the same!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Seriously Hot
How hot was it driving home today? It was so hot I could have probably cooked an egg inside the car!
This week, I am so thankful for AC at the office, in the house and the car.
I am thankful for so many other things this week:
Being able to go see my granddaughter play basketball
Being able to take Isabella swimming
Going to dinner with the kids
Dinner with my brother and a high school friend
Being able to help our parents at the drop of a hat
Alan’s car shopping skills
Church services at Meadowood
Getting back into the swing of things at work
Being back at HOME!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Reverse Culture Shock
Standing in the Immigration line upon returning to the United States it was strange to be understanding the conversations all around me. OF course we were in the Residents of the US line...
In Germany we had picked up some simple conversational phrases, but when on the trains or in lines at the stores most of the conversations going on around us remained foreign. We had learned enough to pick out a quite a bit of the spoken words (but piecing them all together was more difficult) and for the most part others conversations were just background noise. But yesterday while in line in Atlanta there were conversations all around me and it was almost to the point of being intrusion into my world of thought.
I then found myself ease-dropping into others conversations more like I was that fly-on-the-wall... it was like being involved (without actual participation) in many conversations with multiple people all taking about different things with a wide range of thoughts flying all around me.
I didn’t realize how much this would effect me. I felt like I was pulled in 6 different directions at one time, but in actually I was not directly involved in any of these conversations. They were just random pieces of information I became aware of as I made my way up to the inspection station.
Then when it was our turn with the immigration officer I had another language experience. The officer spoke with a Hispanic accent and I had problems understanding him. Having grown use to English spoke with a German flair this officers inflections were extremely hard for me to understand. And I had to ask him to repeat his questions to us. All the while thinking he is speaking English, right?
I am sure this weekend will bring to mind many other differences that we will begin to re-adjust to life at home but in the few hours I have been home the list has started to compile itself. Some good and others not so good.
The good of course will include:
Being able to drive across town to see family in a matter of minutes
Big Box stores and longer shopping hours
Reasonably prices shoes
Being able to read and understand the signs, newspapers and billboards
Not getting tied up in a an Autobahn STAU (traffic jam)
Only having to carry around 1 type of money
BIG parking spots
Some of the things that I will miss:
No more Autobahn speeds
The wonderful weather
Outstanding public transportation
The darkness of the night (there are so many lights left on here)
Saturday morning breakfast club
I am sure I will have many adjustments to make but know this is normal and who out there is not making daily adjustments to what life throws at them.
It is good to be home ~
In Germany we had picked up some simple conversational phrases, but when on the trains or in lines at the stores most of the conversations going on around us remained foreign. We had learned enough to pick out a quite a bit of the spoken words (but piecing them all together was more difficult) and for the most part others conversations were just background noise. But yesterday while in line in Atlanta there were conversations all around me and it was almost to the point of being intrusion into my world of thought.
I then found myself ease-dropping into others conversations more like I was that fly-on-the-wall... it was like being involved (without actual participation) in many conversations with multiple people all taking about different things with a wide range of thoughts flying all around me.
I didn’t realize how much this would effect me. I felt like I was pulled in 6 different directions at one time, but in actually I was not directly involved in any of these conversations. They were just random pieces of information I became aware of as I made my way up to the inspection station.
Then when it was our turn with the immigration officer I had another language experience. The officer spoke with a Hispanic accent and I had problems understanding him. Having grown use to English spoke with a German flair this officers inflections were extremely hard for me to understand. And I had to ask him to repeat his questions to us. All the while thinking he is speaking English, right?
I am sure this weekend will bring to mind many other differences that we will begin to re-adjust to life at home but in the few hours I have been home the list has started to compile itself. Some good and others not so good.
The good of course will include:
Being able to drive across town to see family in a matter of minutes
Big Box stores and longer shopping hours
Reasonably prices shoes
Being able to read and understand the signs, newspapers and billboards
Not getting tied up in a an Autobahn STAU (traffic jam)
Only having to carry around 1 type of money
BIG parking spots
Some of the things that I will miss:
No more Autobahn speeds
The wonderful weather
Outstanding public transportation
The darkness of the night (there are so many lights left on here)
Saturday morning breakfast club
I am sure I will have many adjustments to make but know this is normal and who out there is not making daily adjustments to what life throws at them.
It is good to be home ~
Friday, July 15, 2011
Tie a Yellow Ribbon....

We're comin' home, we've done our time........
Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
Yes, we are coming Mid July.
We've see a lot of Europe including Rome!
But now it's time to go back home.
But now it's time to go back home.
We've missed our family and our friends.
We are so excited to be coming home. Germany has been so fun.
But our family is there and we look forward to reuniting every one!
We are so excited to be coming home. Germany has been so fun.
But our family is there and we look forward to reuniting every one! is where we belong~
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Memory Tears
Things that trigger Memories of my Daddy! I never know when these are going to pop up. Sometimes it is a song that fires a quick memory jog, other times it is a conversation topic that leads me down this path. Or some reference to an activity that he enjoyed. Most of these are followed by a few tears; the tears of sadness are fading now and I just call them Memory Tears (a mixture of emotions including joy, remembrance, love, relief, fondness, longing, loss, anticipation and some sadness ). I never know when these are going to pop up and a trigger might not effect me the same way twice.
Of course the normal ones like his birthday, Father’s Day, the day of his passing will probably always bring Memory Tears. But simple pleasures like seeing a honey bee buzz around a flower now brings a smile instead of tears. A lovely wooden bowl or box reminds me of the treasures I am lucky enough to hold; ones he made with his hands and of course a smile. A hymn that we used to sing together in church will bring back fond memories and a few tears....
I have always been a tearful person. I cry while reading a good book and even watching TV shows and Movies. Someone else crying when I am with them will often bring tears. When I am sick and someone asks me how I am....yep tears start flowing. If I am frustrated and had enough that is when I am at my worst, it seems I can’t stop the flow. Sometimes it is downright embarrassing. Now add to this tearful list memories of my Dad, time spent with him, missing him...
I get this trait, if you will, from him. His eyes would turn misty in church during prayers, when he saw one of his children hurting, over the loss of a loved one or dear friend. The last time I saw him tear up was just before his heart surgery. After his pastor said a prayer I looked at him all teary eyed and I cried with him. This was certainly not the last time for me to cry but for my Daddy there are no more tears (Revelation 21:4)
So next time I start to tear up I will remember it’s just part of who I am. It makes me Ferrill’s daughter. Sometimes I’m clumsy, but I’ve got family who love me. And they know just where I stand. It is a part of me and that is who I am (to take a few lines from Jessica Andrews).
Of course the normal ones like his birthday, Father’s Day, the day of his passing will probably always bring Memory Tears. But simple pleasures like seeing a honey bee buzz around a flower now brings a smile instead of tears. A lovely wooden bowl or box reminds me of the treasures I am lucky enough to hold; ones he made with his hands and of course a smile. A hymn that we used to sing together in church will bring back fond memories and a few tears....
I have always been a tearful person. I cry while reading a good book and even watching TV shows and Movies. Someone else crying when I am with them will often bring tears. When I am sick and someone asks me how I am....yep tears start flowing. If I am frustrated and had enough that is when I am at my worst, it seems I can’t stop the flow. Sometimes it is downright embarrassing. Now add to this tearful list memories of my Dad, time spent with him, missing him...
I get this trait, if you will, from him. His eyes would turn misty in church during prayers, when he saw one of his children hurting, over the loss of a loved one or dear friend. The last time I saw him tear up was just before his heart surgery. After his pastor said a prayer I looked at him all teary eyed and I cried with him. This was certainly not the last time for me to cry but for my Daddy there are no more tears (Revelation 21:4)
So next time I start to tear up I will remember it’s just part of who I am. It makes me Ferrill’s daughter. Sometimes I’m clumsy, but I’ve got family who love me. And they know just where I stand. It is a part of me and that is who I am (to take a few lines from Jessica Andrews).
Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day celebrations are not unique to the United States of America, but 4th of July
celebrations are. In Germany the 4th of
July is just another day. No picnics, no Red, White and Blue, no baseball, no BBQ, or carnivals or fireworks either.
But on an American Post in Europe all these things are rolled into “lil America” and the celebrations in honor of the Declaration of Independence is in full swing. Hundreds of flags will be lining the streets on the post to welcome those of us that find this little refuge our home away from home. I have posted about this before but it is such a grand site to see all these American flags fluttering as you drive past on your way in to the heart of the post.

They have converted Huskey Field (the Sports Track and Field) into a small park with a carnival atmosphere. there will be concerts all day ling, a few ball games, Apple Pie contests, Dunk Tanks, a Bouncy Castle, food vendors selling good old American fare as well as a few German specialities and fireworks that are set to go off at 2300. I know, I know this is kind of late but it is not dark before then! I think I might take a late afternoon nap so that I will be able to enjoy the show and then not be so tired at work the next day anyway.
It will be my 2nd 4th of July in Europe and being this far from home you grow to appreciate the traditions you were raised up with around these holidays. But a time of change is upon us and the traditions we have associated with 4th of July will have to be modified to to go with the flow.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Sunday Gratitudes
*Watching movies with my best friend of 31+ years
*Finishing a good book and having another one waiting to be picked up

*Sleeping in past 0600
*Breakfast burritos
*Seeing that my mom is back online (thank you Michael)
*Starting to pack for our 10 day stay in the hotel
*Reminders that God is the Creator
*And LISTENING to one of my favorite songs: It is Well with My Soul

Saturdays are full of Blessings too
Breakfast with Friends at the Patch DFAC
Exploring around Stuttgart
A few great finds at the FlohMarkt
Finding an Amber Bead bracelet for a really good price
Seeing the activities of several Sommerfest in the small towns around Stuttgart

Anticipation of moving home.....
Lunching at the Schönbuch BrÀu

A Summer afternoon Nap~
Rain*X Fast Wax...makes the road dirt and bugs slide right off the Mini while it rains
I am going to miss this..... but I recently read that saying good-bye to the times we’ve had is the same as saying hello to the times to come. What a wonderful way to look at this.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Thank God It’s Friday
Skypeing with Isabella this week and watching her crawl
Chatting with my brother after work
Talking with my mom last night hearing that she is getting settled into her new space
Chatting another brother while up early because I couldn’t sleep
Great lunch - Mexican!
Getting off work a few hours early
A loving husband
A sweet nap
Thunder and Rain as I drifted off to sleep
Sunshine and blue skies as I awakened from my nap
A long weekend ahead
The sound of airplanes high in the sky over head
These wonderful temperatures
Date Night with my husband; dinner and a movie
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Give your worries to the Lord
The Transportation office counselor...hopefully she will get this train wreck back on track.
My friends at the office...they honored me at lunch today.
Summer time grilled foods and all the fixings.
The rain that held off until late afternoon. It is now gently falling and cooling everything back down (89 yesterday, 73 today).
Having kleenex with me...lets just say a person can only take so much before the tears start to fall.
A husband that knows when I am at my limits and can patiently talk me back down of that ledge.
A well thought out plan that can handle a shift or two without completely falling apart.
See even in the midst of upheaval there are things I can be thankful for.
Give your worries to the Lord, and he will take care of you.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Past, Present and Future
Looking back on time spent with our boys and remembering:
Our commitment to be involvement with our children
Being able to work around our children’s schedules
Being a PTA Home Room Mother
Coaching them in baseball and basketball
Road trips to Six Flags
Making sure both of then were tucked in bed at night
Doing whatever it took to see that the kids were involved in school activities
Putting the kids first but not to detriment of our relationship
As parents, still making time for each after a long night at work
Summer fun around the water (White Water, back yard pool, lake, ocean)
The Ball Park
Sitting with them in church...then watching them as they ventured off to sit with the teens
Looking forward:
Spending time with our kids, and their families
Putting the grandkids schedules in the mix
Road trips to Six Flags with the Grandkids
Tucking the grandkids in when they spend the night
Taking an interest in their school activities
Sticking with Date Night but having play dates so our kids can have a date night too
Continuing to make time for each other no matter what life throws at us
Summer fun around the water.....
Attending ballgames, dance recitals, piano recitals....what ever the grandkids are active in
Worshiping with them at church every now and then
The here and now...taking each day and living it with gusto. Saying I love often, thanking my Maker for my many blessings.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The love of a caring husband
No Stau on the Autobahn
Safety during our travels
News from home
Finding the perfect gifts
Seeing the Swabian Albs one final time
Watching the giant wind mills slowing turning round.
The coolness of my German home
Ice Machines
Treasures made of wood
The sights of Munich
Raindrops on our walk back to the hotel
19 days until I am back in Oklahoma
Playing what will you miss most....
A fresh grilled WeiÃe Bratwurst with mustard from the market
The smell of cinnamon sugared almonds in the air
Hot Tea in the morning, Iced Tea in the evenings
Psalm 121:7-8
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
No traffic on the roads
Safe Travels
Always having a roof over my head
Street Musicians
My bed!
Sights ad Sounds of a foreign town
People that speak more English than I speak German
Great Food (and being able to read the German Menu)
Wash Cloths (European Hotel dont normally provide them)
Great weather
Summer skies (big white puffy clouds)
Water Fountains
A Father that looks out for me
There by the grace of God go I see the homeless on the streets
Being able to share some of my abundance
With all my heart I want your blessings. Be merciful as you promised. ~ Psalm 119:58
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Gratitude, Thankfulness, Gratefulness
Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness: is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive
1. The smell of food on the grill
2. The sound of children playing outside
3. A quiet neighborhood
4. Checking things off my To Do and Out Processing Lists
5. Being able to taking off early on a Friday afternoon
6. Encouragement from my friends
7. The coolness of the forest
8. 3 more weeks in Germany
9. Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia!
10. Everything fitting into 1 suitcase
11. Getting to bed early
12. A good nights sleep
13. Sightseeing in warmer weather
14. Talks with my husband
15. Pictures from home
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. ~ Colossians 3:17
Counting My Blessing
Blessing are where you look for them:
1. The early morning sunshine
2. The cool morning breeze
3. The birds chirping in the trees
4. The fan swaying back and forth
5. Sleeping with my windows open
6. This wonderful weather
7. My husbands great cooking
8. My job; even when I leave the office late with much frustration from the day
9. A good book to read
10. Everyone’s help in preparing for our move back to Oklahoma
11. Skype session with family
12. Long summer days
13. Evening walks with my husband
14. Planning trips
15. Mail from Oklahoma
16. A landlord that will miss us when we are gone
17. No traffic on the roads (today is a German holiday)
18. Knowing I will get to talk to my momma this evening
19. Making lists and staying organized
20. Being able to share my blessings with others
John 1:16 From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.
1. The early morning sunshine
2. The cool morning breeze
3. The birds chirping in the trees
4. The fan swaying back and forth
5. Sleeping with my windows open
6. This wonderful weather
7. My husbands great cooking
8. My job; even when I leave the office late with much frustration from the day
9. A good book to read
10. Everyone’s help in preparing for our move back to Oklahoma
11. Skype session with family
12. Long summer days
13. Evening walks with my husband
14. Planning trips
15. Mail from Oklahoma
16. A landlord that will miss us when we are gone
17. No traffic on the roads (today is a German holiday)
18. Knowing I will get to talk to my momma this evening
19. Making lists and staying organized
20. Being able to share my blessings with others
John 1:16 From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Daddy - Happy Father’s Day

Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I think of you in silence, but I often speak your name.
I have a lot of treasures, and your picture in a frame.
And now our memories are keepsakes from which I'll never part.
I’ll take them out and share them as often as I can
For I want the world to know you were an awesome man.
I have you in my heart, God has you in His hands.
Monday, June 13, 2011
For the Grilling Man in Your Life!
A Propane Gauge

What a great more running out of propane just after putting the Rib-eyes on the grill. I am going to put this on my husband’s birthday list!
Flex Kabob Skewers

And how about this.... Flex Kabob Skewers! These let you put more on the grill and arrange them to fit your grill surface. And since these are stainless steel clean up is easy. Might have to add them to his birthday wish list also...
HAPPY GRILLING......Oh and I guess we will need a grill too~
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday Lunch - Pot Roast and Cornbread
Nothing speaks to an American Sunday lunch better than pot roast with potatoes and carrots!

The roast was put in the crock-pot early this morning after braising it in the cast iron skillet. Then a cup of water was swirled around in the skillet to get all the little bits of browned meat and drippings for adding that extra flavor to the pot. A few potatoes and a bag of carrots along with an onion were added also.
We don't eat for 3 more hours but it sure is smelling good. Really good!
To go with the roast we will be making cornbread sticks.

The cast iron pans we will be using were passed down to me from my father who got them from his mother and someday I will pass it on to my son to pass on to his daughter (generations of tradition). These pans are seasoned perfectly by now and make the best cornbread sticks this side of the Atlantic (the other side of the Atlantic too).
These cornbread sticks are perfect for soaking up the roast gravy (could also be known as sopping bread). And any sticks left after the meal are pretty good with honey or syrup.
The only thing better would be sharing this meal with family. Wish you were here to join us~
From Tin cans to Glasses
From the decorative tin cans that I collected on the Greenview:

To glasses I have collected on Thingstrasse:

At least these can be run through the dishwasher after they collect dust!
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hotel reservations made...will be in a hotel the last 10 days in Germany
Housing Final Inspection to engage Mr. Clean (want to get back that $6000 deposit)
Garrison Out Processing started...who knew there was so much red tape to leave
Temporary Housing arrangements stateside started....hope this one works out, still waiting to hear back from them
LQA Audit complete...seems we have been overpaid and restitution must be forthcoming
Sorting through all the stuff that we have accumulated that cannot be shipped back in HHG
Selling off the 220V appliances...thankful for Bookoo
Telecom service scheduled for termination; hardware has to be mailed back to the provider registered German mail
Change of address forms to be filled out and sent
Gas, Water and Electric meter reading scheduled
Must keep the place tidy because Housing might book a showing at anytime
The list just keeps growing......
Told some one the other day...don’t go back. Just stay here it is much simpler!
Simple or not, I AM going back~
Monday, June 6, 2011
Busy 6 Weeks!!

It is getting exciting around here...the next 6 weeks will fly by. We have so much to do and yet a lot of it is just coordinating it all and then watching other people take over. At this point I don’t think we are going to work in any additional travel dates except an overnight in Munich so that I can experience this in warm weather.
I think we have the most important things lined up already and everything else should just fall into place. July will be a busy month for us with lots of change and adjusting to do.
4 July - Celebrating America’s Independence Day from Germany
5 July - Movers come to pack up our home
6 July - Housing comes to pick up the loaner Washer and Dryer
7 July - Movers come back to load up our House Hold Goods for transport to a port somewhere for shipment back to America; and this evening we move into a hotel
8-10 July - Clean the house for turning it back over to the Landlords (they were simply the best)
11 July - Start out-processing at the base. Close out with Housing and Landlords - walk through inspection and hopefully get all of our deposit back
12 July - Wrap up with German Utility companies (this one is going to cost us since we are leaving early)
13 July - Continue out-processing
14 July - Turn the car over to the Transport Office for the slow boat ride back to the States.
15 July - board the plan for a LONG day of travel
16 July - acclimation to being in America begins......... I don’t think this will take too long!
17 July - Alan’s fathers birthday... and we will be there to celebrate
We need to work a lake trip into the July schedule and while these plans have not yet been finalized we are working on them this week also.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Countdown to Oklahoma
The date has been set, we are headed back to Oklahoma!!

AND SO it is time to start minding my P’s:
Presents: One last round of presents from Europe to be purchased
Purge: We have some things that will be donated (left behind)
Pack: Decide what to pack in the 4 suitcases and 2 carryon’s, with the rest packed for the long boat ride back
Preparing: The house must be cleaned “prepared” for turning back over to the Landlords
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sights to See in Oklahoma - My Top 25 To List

After being in Germany and attending festivals on a regular basis and touring Parks and flower Gardens I have decided I am going to attend the festivals and visit the gardens in my home state. Festivals and Gardens in Oklahoma on my Bucket List include (not in any particular order) :
1. Fort Reno Ghost Tour - El Reno
2. Tulsa International Film Festival - Tulsa
3. Chester’s Pumpkin Patch - Piedmont
4. 2nd Friday Circuit of Arts - Norman
5. The Haunted Castle Halloween Festival - Muskogee
6. Bricktown Arts Festival (this one is a repeat...)
7. Choctaw Oktoberfest (amazingly I have never attended this one)
8. Watermelon Festival - Rush Springs
9. Sunflower Art and Wine Festival - Guymon
10. Ghost Story Tour at Pawnee Bill Ranch - Pawnee
11. Living Legends Rodeo - Henryetta
12. Monarch Migration and Butterfly Festival - Washington
13. Martin Nature Park
14. Paseo Art District Festival (Mom took me when I was small but need to revisit)
15. Territorial Christmas Celebration - Guthrie and the Pollard Theater
16. Fried Onion Burger Festival - El Reno
17. Oklahoma River Cruise - on the Canadian River
18. Cowboy Hall of Fame (this is a repeat but I want to visit again)
19. Orr Family Farm - Oklahoma City
20. Visit the 4 Castles in Oklahoma: Castle Falls in Oklahoma City, Wentz Castle in Ponca City, Captains Castle in Cameron, and the Collings Castle at Turner Falls (been here already but want to see it again).
21. See the Giant Indian Chief - Standing Brave at Big Cabin
22. Cimmy the Metal Dinosaur - Boise City
23. Totem Pole Park at Foyil
24. Oklahoma Aquarium - Jenks
25. Stratford Peach Festival
I dont have any particular time line for these and I think my granddaughters might enjoy seeing some of these sights with me (how fun to share some of Oklahoma’s treasures with them).
Friday, May 27, 2011
Holiday Message

I gave a speech earlier this week in New York to commemorate Memorial Day. In it, I attempted to honor the tremendous sacrifices of all who have answered the call to serve by giving voice to those who were lost to us, but who left us letters that tell their stories. I thought I would share some of my speech with you, and I hope that these words - penned by those who have gone before us - touch you, as they have me.
In their letters, and those of their loved ones, written in the last days of their lives, there is majesty and honesty and humility that deserve our attention as we approach this Memorial Day.
Let me begin with the Civil War, and a letter written by Major Sullivan Ballou, a 32-year old member of the Second Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers, who died in the Battle of Bull Run. He wrote to his wife, Sarah, just five days before the battle that would cost his life:
"My very dear Sarah, the indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days-perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more ... Sarah: my love for you is deathless. It seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but omnipotence could break: and yet my love of country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.
Never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name. Do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again."
A letter from Iraq, this one from US Army Captain Michael MacKinnon, to his young daughter Madison:
"Madison, I'm sorry I broke my promise to you when I said I was coming back. You were the jewel of my life. I don't think anyone would ever be good enough for you. Stay beautiful, stay sweet. You will always be daddy's little girl."
Captain Michael MacKinnon died in October, 2005, in Iraq.
Let me share excerpts from just one more letter. It was written from Iraq as a "just in case" letter by Private First Class Jesse A. Givens, a letter to be delivered to his wife and children only in the event of his death.
"My family," he writes, "I never thought that I would be writing a letter like this. I really don't know where to start. The happiest moments in my life all deal with my little family. I will always have with me the small moments we all shared. The moments when we quit taking life so serious and smiled. The sounds of a beautiful boy's laughter or the simple nudge of a baby unborn. You will never know how complete you have made me...I did not want to have to write this letter. There is so much more I need to say, so much more I need to share...Please keep my babies safe. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for leaving you alone. . . Teach our babies to live life to the fullest, tell yourself to do the same. I will always be there with you...Do me a favor, after you tuck the children in, give them hugs and kisses from me. Go outside and look at the stars and count them. Don't forget to smile.
Love Always, Your husband, Jess."
The letter was delivered in May 2003, two weeks before the birth of their son and just after his death in combat.
What can we take from these letters, so sweet and sad and powerful in their simplicity and honesty? First, and most importantly, that we are a lucky nation indeed to have such men and women, who say to us, "I will go." Second, their words matter. Their lives had weight and importance. That we read their letters and respect them and grieve with their families for their loss. And perhaps most importantly, that we support their families. Third, a lesson for all of us who go on in this world, safe and protected due to the sacrifice of others: we should live our lives to the fullest. To that end, I'd like to close by repeating the words of young Private First Class Jess Givens-who will be forever young in our hearts and our prayers.
He said: Hug and kiss your children, go outside and look at the stars, don't forget to smile. That is pretty good advice for a Memorial Day ... or any day. In the end, what else really matters? So let us remember our heroes-those of our past and those of our present who walk among us right now.
God Bless you all and God Bless America.
Jim Stavridis
I gave a speech earlier this week in New York to commemorate Memorial Day. In it, I attempted to honor the tremendous sacrifices of all who have answered the call to serve by giving voice to those who were lost to us, but who left us letters that tell their stories. I thought I would share some of my speech with you, and I hope that these words - penned by those who have gone before us - touch you, as they have me.
In their letters, and those of their loved ones, written in the last days of their lives, there is majesty and honesty and humility that deserve our attention as we approach this Memorial Day.
Let me begin with the Civil War, and a letter written by Major Sullivan Ballou, a 32-year old member of the Second Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers, who died in the Battle of Bull Run. He wrote to his wife, Sarah, just five days before the battle that would cost his life:
"My very dear Sarah, the indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days-perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more ... Sarah: my love for you is deathless. It seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but omnipotence could break: and yet my love of country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.
Never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name. Do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again."
A letter from Iraq, this one from US Army Captain Michael MacKinnon, to his young daughter Madison:
"Madison, I'm sorry I broke my promise to you when I said I was coming back. You were the jewel of my life. I don't think anyone would ever be good enough for you. Stay beautiful, stay sweet. You will always be daddy's little girl."
Captain Michael MacKinnon died in October, 2005, in Iraq.
Let me share excerpts from just one more letter. It was written from Iraq as a "just in case" letter by Private First Class Jesse A. Givens, a letter to be delivered to his wife and children only in the event of his death.
"My family," he writes, "I never thought that I would be writing a letter like this. I really don't know where to start. The happiest moments in my life all deal with my little family. I will always have with me the small moments we all shared. The moments when we quit taking life so serious and smiled. The sounds of a beautiful boy's laughter or the simple nudge of a baby unborn. You will never know how complete you have made me...I did not want to have to write this letter. There is so much more I need to say, so much more I need to share...Please keep my babies safe. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for leaving you alone. . . Teach our babies to live life to the fullest, tell yourself to do the same. I will always be there with you...Do me a favor, after you tuck the children in, give them hugs and kisses from me. Go outside and look at the stars and count them. Don't forget to smile.
Love Always, Your husband, Jess."
The letter was delivered in May 2003, two weeks before the birth of their son and just after his death in combat.
What can we take from these letters, so sweet and sad and powerful in their simplicity and honesty? First, and most importantly, that we are a lucky nation indeed to have such men and women, who say to us, "I will go." Second, their words matter. Their lives had weight and importance. That we read their letters and respect them and grieve with their families for their loss. And perhaps most importantly, that we support their families. Third, a lesson for all of us who go on in this world, safe and protected due to the sacrifice of others: we should live our lives to the fullest. To that end, I'd like to close by repeating the words of young Private First Class Jess Givens-who will be forever young in our hearts and our prayers.
He said: Hug and kiss your children, go outside and look at the stars, don't forget to smile. That is pretty good advice for a Memorial Day ... or any day. In the end, what else really matters? So let us remember our heroes-those of our past and those of our present who walk among us right now.
God Bless you all and God Bless America.
Jim Stavridis
Every year we get holiday messages from our leaders. This one was too good not to share. It stands out as holiday messages go and puts everything into perspective. Those who serve do so out of pride and honor for our great country. I am blessed to be an American~
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