Saturday, December 24, 2011


Differences between Stuttgart, Germany and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

In and around OKC:
During the Summer air conditioners are needed, necessary and noisy
During the winter the furnace dries out the air

The autoflush toilets in public restrooms use excessive amounts of water
Said toilets are very low to the ground
Streets are wide and cars are big and so are most parking spots
The night skies are all lit up - there is not much darkness
Recycling is not mandatory and packaging is excessive
Restaurants are everywhere and open all hours of the night and day
Cold drinks are served with ICE and refills are FREE
Big Box stores sell food by the case not just beer or wine
Debit/Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere and you don't have to be in a special line to use them
Trucks are allowed to drive on Sunday
You can mow your yard on Sunday, even during quiet hours if you choose to
You can wash your car in the driveway (unless there it is a dry one and there is rationing going on)
I can actually read and understand the street signs before we pass them
Chips and salsa are provided gratis

And my favorite........
Family fills the house for holidays!!

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