Friday, January 13, 2012

What to do, what to do..........

I keep thinking that we need to be doing something...anything.  The stress levels are going to start rising soon, I just don't know when it will start boiling over.

We have a closing date in 2 weeks and have not started packing let alone have any place to put our possessions.  

Plan A was to move into my parents home and rent it until it sold or the current contract expired and then buy it from Mom allowing us both to save on commission fees.  We thought this was a good plan because to date the house was not moving in the Norman Home Sales market.  I had even talked to Mom about our closing date excited about moving in.  But as plans go that was not a good one because early this week Mom called to tell me she has decided to take a another offer much lower than her asking price and she now has a 1 March closing date. 

Plan B (not that we have a firm one) comes in several parts but each starts with packing up the house, putting everything in storage and.....
  • Plan B - 1  - is to move into Alan's parents house until we can find something 
    • Plan B - 1a  - while at Alan's parents look for some land and build...
  • Plan B - 2 -  is to buy an RV and live in it until we can find something...........and then move it to the lake
    • Plan B-2a    - buy the RV and look for a place to build
    • Plan B-2b    - buy the RV and sell off everything we have in storage. 
Plan C - Chuck it all and move to Belize!  Open a Tiki Hut bar on the beach and buy a big boat to take the tourists out in the waves.

Of course we are open for alternate options if you have any suggestions!!

As I've said before "it is what it is" and I will have to remember it is really all in God's hands.

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