Monday, August 30, 2010

Purple Car on a Rainy day!!

We put Purple Car on the Lemon Lot (for her I guess it should be the Grape Lot) at the Base Exchange with a For Sale sign on her. Alan got a call for a test drive and he and the potential buyer took her for a spin. The guy bought another "gently used" car and wished up luck selling her (she was his second choice (man don’t you hate that.) So before we left for Denver Alan went back over and dropped the price on Purple Car to entice a quick sale. His climbed in started her up to make sure everything was ok and then posted the new sign in her windows.

Purple car did not sell before we left town, so Alan wanted to drop the price again and made up some signs for me to put in the window upon my return to Germany. Sunday I went over the the Exchange and while there checked on Purple Car. When I unlocked her door she sounded funny. As I climbed in I noticed her lamp lights did not come one. And sure enough when I tried the keys she would not start. She was dead and a door nail (now I wonder where that saying came from??). I also noticed that her parking light switch was on ( this is right on the dash board where someones knee frequently would rub across and turn the lights on as he was getting out of the car but in the garage it was always apparent that the parking lights were on). I turned off the light switch, posted the new signs and locked her up and headed home to call back to my stateside car expert.

We decided to see if someone could jump start me and if so maybe that was all it would take. Monday morning I canvassed the office and couldn't find anyone with jumper cables. And surely know one had a 220 jump box... (Man I miss my Man). I had about decided I was going to have to have it towed to the car repair shop when the Swing Shift crew came in and sure enough one of them had cables. My friend Jerry found the jumper cables (they were Jason’s and being that kid of guy, Jason went out in the pouring rain to get them out of his car for me). These guys over here really do look out for me when mein Man is out of town.

Mo (who’s wife lives a 4+ hr drive from Stuttgart and so must know what it is like to have to have other men help out his Fraulein) took pity on me and went over the the Lemon Lot at the end of the work day and met me at the car. He jumped it and we let it charge for awhile. Then he turned it off and tried to start it and it wouldn’t so we jumped it again (the rain had stopped while we were doing this) and I drove it around on post for 15 minutes (it was pouring rain again). AS I drove past the Car Care place I noticed that they were open until 1800 so I decided on my next time around I would pull in and park as this would be the nest place to be if it didn’t start again.

Sure enough it wouldn’t turn over. So I went inside and the guy came out and tested it. He said all it needed was a quick charge. Then he brought out some big jump box and plugged it all up. It took it a long time to get enough charge for it to turn over but he told me the battery was good, it just needed a good charge or a long distance drive. But all the while this was going on it was raining again.....I did not want to be out driving around in the rain and have it die on me so I told him to replace it ($64.99 install free with 2 year warranty).

After he installed the new battery (rain falling the whole time but the kid was from Seattle {I’d tell you his name if I knew how we were related :) } he told me to drive it around as these new ones are only 80% charged. She started right up and we left it running while I went in to pay. When I came out it had stopped raining and there was a vacuum right there and so Purple car got a 25¢ swipe over!

While she was running and charging I got out the paper work and uploaded the Radio code (she was saying the code, the code, figure out how to enter the code, but the book was all in German). See when it looses all power the computer goes dead and before the radio can play again you have to enter a factory provided code. It took me a couple of tries but I got her music box playing again...these words were all in German too!

Then I headed off base towards the Penny Mart and was going to take a 30 minute drive (or so) but the car started acting funny. It got a wobbling kind of thing going on as I slowed down. I seem to remember it did this on the way home from the Black Forest once. It was only when I slowed down (might just be wheels out of alignment; man I miss my man). Naturally I got spooked , took the first round-a-bout full circle and headed back to the post. I backed her into the parking spot turned her off. Then tried to start it again, sure enough it fired right up. I put the for sale signs up in the windows and tired to start her again, yep she was liking her new battery.

I think I’l update that for sale sign with NEW BATTERY!!

AS I drove off in my new Mini it started raining again and I got to test out the rain censored wipers!! Maybe I can do this with out him but it is so much easier with him! Have I mentioned I miss my husband lately??

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