We have started enjoying Hot Tea with our meals. I found a lovely Tea Pot with tea light warmer. We can brew a 5-6 cup pot of tea and keep it warm with a small tea light candle (gives a whole new meaning to tea light candle). Of course there is caffeine in Tea but Green Tea is a GREAT lower caffeine alternative. So which tea is better -- green, black, white? There really isn’t enough difference to get overly excited about. All teas generally contain the same amount of flavonoids. Green and black tea come from the same plants. But Green Tea is dried for a shorted period of time and doesn’t go through a fermenting process used for Black Tea.
Just Some of the Believed Benefits of Drinking Hot Tea:
For those who have digestive problems. It also contains antioxidants, and has other health benefits:
- It eases irritability, headaches, nervous tension and insomnia.
- It acts as an anti-spasmodic agent, to relieve stomach cramps.
- It boosts the immune system.
Other benefits:
Arthritis: Research suggests that older women who are tea drinkers are 60 percent less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who do not drink tea.
Flu: You may be able to boost your fight against the flu with black tea.
High Blood Pressure: Tea lovers may be surprised to learn their beverage of choice touts yet another health benefit: blood pressure control.
Colon Cancer: Green tea and white tea probably fight colon cancer.
Heart Disease: Tea consumption may help heart disease patient.
Onset of Alzheimer’s: Drinking tea might delay Alzheimer's Disease.
But forget about all these benefits, a warm cup of tea helps relax away the troubles of the day.....So have a cup sometime today and enjoy!